First impressions of Switzerland: different, clean, expensive. Mild surprises start at the border, where I panicked for a second about having to buy a vignette which is required as a payment for Swiss highways. It is organized quite neatly though, so, really, only for a second. However, a country with money different from euro? Why am I surprised over that, I don’t know, since I live in one like that myself, but it is somehow a strange feeling, especially when I get a change from my 50€ note: 10 euro and 2 coins which shape my hands are not used to.
The scenery changes rather dramatically, you realize at once that you are in the Alps, whereas Eastern France only hints quite modestly about what iscoming.
At one point we dive into a network of smaller roads and drive along the Geneva lake until at last we stop to stretch our legs and snap a couple of shots with the swan (not inclined to pose graciously) and a sail boat where somebody is learning to cross up the wind. The park is clean as a hospital and most men we see wear suits.
Prices on fuel are high, and diesel is more expensive than petrol, which adds to the impression of being in a bit of a wonderland. A modest black Ferrari is making faces at my car, so we better move on.