I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures.
I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures. I shall take pictures.
When I grow tired of waiting for Lidia to get ready, her camera is often what tips the scale the wrong way and gets me to open my mouth, I really don’t know why that is. “You have to live the experience and make memories, not photograph your every step, come on, you are not Japanese”. Reasonable, no? “Hey, where’s that memory card, let’s have a looksy” “I have to plaster my brave face steering that boat all over Facebook, I need your pictures” is, of course, the next thing I usually would say on the subject.
Anyways, that’s why the Bart-Simson-style self inflicted punishment/resolution. No more “take a mental picture, honey”. Just be a man and take your own camera. Yeah.
Update: hopefully I’ll find a good plugin for wordpress to show them 🙂